LXC Engineering Group provides MEP+F Design and Management for the construction of new buildings as well as for the renovation of existing buildings. We offer the latest technology with Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Fire Protection, and Security Systems  for our markets.

We work closely with every client to provide highly technical support and unique value. We design in accordance with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Standards, completing all prerequisites, and applying for LEED Credits. We can ensure LEED Certification.


Specialized services:

-Site Feasibility Studies

-MEP+F Engineering System Design

-Existing Renovation Building Design

-Special System 1 & 3-Phase Design

-Design Laboratory Planning

-Power Evaluation and Studies

-Arc Flash Studies and Labeling

-Lightning Protection Design and Assessment

-Building Assessments

-Commission of Buildings in various stages

-Application of LEED Credits and Certification