Water & Wastewater


Motivated by the growing need to replace aging water facilities infrastructure, our public and private clients are investing to keep these major systems operational. Water and Wastewater solutions for the following:

  • Water — Sourcing and treatment before distribution, and network distribution to customers, including pump stations
  • Wastewater — Treatment plants and collection and transport to treatment plants, including lift stations
  • Industrial— Factory wastewater treatment
  • Agricultural — Irrigation District

LXC Engineering Group consists of knowledgeable engineers, who address Water and Wastewater issues succinctly, resulting in a system that meets all governmental standards. The Standards addressed are listed in the following:

Electrical IEEE 141, 142, 242, 399, 446, 493 and 739

NFPA 70, 70E, 72, 101, 214, 770, 820, 1142, and 1231

Specialized services:

-Site and Feasibility Studies

-Full End-to-End Delivery of Flood Management -Solutions Comprising Strategic Assessment

-Design MEP+F

-Commission New or Existing Site

-Engineering Inspection or Evaluation

-Full range of Analytical Services

-Site and Building Assessment

-Power Studies

-Providing Arc Flash Labels to meet NFPA 70E

-Plant Energy Performance Evaluation

-Treatment Facility Planning and Design

-Energy Management

-Disaster Recovery